Monday, October 7, 2013

A short story

It was a quiet Thursday afternoon. An unassuming writer sat at his table with a pen in the hand and few blank pages in front of him. There was an open window before him with white curtains which let just the right amount of light inside his room. The window gave him a clear view of the street. Beside him was a book rack with three compartments- two of those filled with his favourite books and one which had books written by him. And above these were his numerous awards neatly stacked. He liked sitting before the window, get a view of the world outside, and this had always been an inspiration for him to write. He put on his black, thick framed spectacles and looked down at the sheet, just when a fly sat on it. He made a gesture to shoo it away from the hand he was holding his pen with. The fly was back on the sheet of paper once again. He stared at the fly this time and a sense of wonder filled him as he watched its swift yet delicate movements, and the shadow promptly following it everywhere it moved. A moment so captivating was ruined when the fly flew away. All that was now there were its invisible footprints on the paper and the awe he experienced in this insignificant event. Restlessness crawled in and he was left with a longing for that experience to have lasted a moment more. “And this is how I want my readers to feel when they read my books.” he said, got up and pushed away the chair making a creaking noise. He put his glasses down on the table and said, “I’m not there yet."

Monday, September 23, 2013


He woke up from a deep sleep. He looked at the clock and it read 6.28am. “Ah! Just 2 more minutes for the alarm to go off”, he said and sulked. However, it was his wedding day. He rose up thinking about all the exciting things that awaited him that day. His beautiful bride, fun, friends, food and the wine and about all the other happy things in the world.
As soon as the alarm went off, he hit the snooze button- “Real happiness is this! Things can wait for another 10 mins!”, he said and drifted off to sleep.

Win-win! - Drabble

He loved counting. Money in his pocket, countdown at the traffic signal, people on the street, computers in an office, books in the library etc. He even died at the hospital counting the drips and his heart beats. He was stopped at the common entrance to hell and heaven. Heaven decided he wasn’t fit to be there, as he had never done anything good to anyone. Hell had a similar argument. They wouldn’t take him in, as he had never done anything bad to others either. He sat outside all day counting the number of people entering hell and heaven.

Sunday, May 27, 2012


in the deliciousness
of being ordinary
i forget
to live

Sunday, April 8, 2012


She was the master of the art of stopping. She always knew when to stop- when to stop laughing, when to stop listening, when to stop eating, when to stop speaking and so on. Soon it grew into a problem. She did not know when to stop stopping and one summer afternoon while she was

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Drabble- Not every dog man has his day

He invented ‘Tomorrow Machine’ which could take him to tomorrow. It also had a special feature which could take him to ‘yesterday’. All set, he pushed the ‘take me to tomorrow’ button. The day was tomorrow. He was proud of being a genius. Having enjoyed his tomorrow already, he decided to travel back. He pushed ‘Go back to yesterday’ button and found himself in ‘yesterday’. There was a problem, the machine had taken him to today’s yesterday instead of tomorrow’s yesterday which is today. Genius had to now choose to live yesterday or tomorrow for the rest of his life

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Drabble - Lost and found

It was 2 in the morning when the spaceship landed in the playground opposite to his house. He was thrilled to see the spaceship; more thrilled as he was the only one seeing it for the obvious reason that everyone else was asleep. when he saw the aliens come out, he took his camera with him and walked to the playground. He clicked their pictures as all he wanted was a proof that they exist and they were right there. All they wanted was a proof that they visited earth. People saw the proof next day. So did the aliens.