Monday, February 14, 2011

One kiss please!

My latest!

I admit that I wasn’t much of a foodie a few months ago. It’s quite a recent change...hmm very recent I must say. So yeah, that’s one of the reasons I am subject to more of food joints and other places these days.
I had been to a chat centre or corner or whatever it’s called- this place. It wasn’t my first visit to that place but for the first time it was my turn to get (read as fight for) the coupons and (once again fight for) the food to be carefully delivered to me.

I ordered some usual random stuff for myself and my friend. I was waiting for people to move out of my way so that I could walk out of there alive and eat the food I had ordered. Just then a guy’s voice came in, right behind my ear- ‘One kiss, please.’
I didn’t get even a second to react. The guy who was billing screamed on top of his voice, ‘one kissu.’ (For those not familiar with Kannada, u is one letter we use at the end of each English word while we speak. E.g. Schoolu, bussu, blogu, laptopu). So that explains the ‘kissu’.

Anyway I was still in total amazement. I swiftly went through the menu right in front to which I had paid no attention till then.
Yes, I was right. Kiss was for sale!
Kiss Masala- 16rs

I was happy to see how strangely innovative people are nowadays. And people do not mind that eccentricity. In fact, people are used to such weird names.

Looking at the list made me hungrier. There were more fascinating stuff like ting tong chaat, disco chaat and so on. But I had decided on what I wanted.
It was now my turn to ask for a kiss ;-)

I always watched these foodie shows on Ndtv (my ‘homepage channel’). Especially Rocky and Mayur’s show HOMP. I didn’t ponder much about it but now I feel it might be because I had this latent passion for food which was subdued by the soaring level of laziness in me. Maybe the hidden cravings were well gratified just by looking at the food on TV :-/

But I no longer crib about going a distance if I’m promised food. Preferably good food. And vegetarian. And spicy.
By the way, what would that chef do if his girl asked for a kiss?


mekhala said...

I want a kiss too :)
When it comes to that chef, he is extremely lucky.. nobody can give 2 kinds of kisses at a time... lets say his girl is lucky ;)

Unknown said...

sai ram chats it is!

Unknown said...

Of course it is Deepa :)

@ Mek- haha.. well said. very Lucky he is :P

Unknown said...
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vinchel said...

Ya thats weird. U can also find funny names for foods here at kerala too..