Sunday, May 27, 2012


in the deliciousness
of being ordinary
i forget
to live

Sunday, April 8, 2012


She was the master of the art of stopping. She always knew when to stop- when to stop laughing, when to stop listening, when to stop eating, when to stop speaking and so on. Soon it grew into a problem. She did not know when to stop stopping and one summer afternoon while she was

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Drabble- Not every dog man has his day

He invented ‘Tomorrow Machine’ which could take him to tomorrow. It also had a special feature which could take him to ‘yesterday’. All set, he pushed the ‘take me to tomorrow’ button. The day was tomorrow. He was proud of being a genius. Having enjoyed his tomorrow already, he decided to travel back. He pushed ‘Go back to yesterday’ button and found himself in ‘yesterday’. There was a problem, the machine had taken him to today’s yesterday instead of tomorrow’s yesterday which is today. Genius had to now choose to live yesterday or tomorrow for the rest of his life